Battles and Birthright

Battles of the servant:

Realizing his own self worth

Overcoming victim spirit

Resist enabling others around 

Taking on others problems and worrying 



Mature servant:  Has become a God pleaser, not a man pleaser

Walks in humility and can be trusted with spiritual authority because he lacks an agenda


Battlefield:  Believes he is who God says he is.  This is the major battle for the servant:  a fight to see his own worth in God's eyes.


Legitimacy Lie  ( A lie that the servant must see as a lie in order to walk in the truth of his birthright)


I am legitimate when I build a platform under someone else.  This is the lie for the servant that he must resist.  


Birthright of the Servant:


He is able to bring life into broken families, leaders, and defiled land.


Esther is a great example of a servant.  She saved her people from death by surrendering her own life to God's will.  She walked in humility and found favor with the King, thereby stopping the plot to destroy her people.